How to Avoid Engaging Illegal Part-Time Maid

In this modern era, most of us will require someone to shoulder our burden of housework if we are working full time and do not have a live in maid. 

Getting a part-time maid not only can relieve our workload, it free us from the time need to spend on these chores. But one thing we have to be aware is, getting an illegal part-time maid will result a brush with the law.

Here are some tips to avoid engaging illegal part-time maid:

1. Check their identifications if you are hiring directly from advertisement

If you are hiring direct from advertisement in the newspapers, ask for their identifications and have a brief interview with the applicants. Have a few choices on hand and do a selection. Screen through their details to find out any loop holes. Observe their expressions during the interview and you can find if they are lying.

If they are unable to provide identifications, ask for their work permits or other type of identification papers. But do aware that if they are work permit workers who are already employed somewhere; it advisable not to hire them as it is illegal.

2. Go through recognized and accredited maid agencies

There are a lot of employment agencies in Singapore that provide part-time maids. Once you select someone suitable, ask for their bio-data, credentials or letters of recommendation. You can also ask your relatives and good friends which agency they got their legal part-time maids.

3. From Word of Mouth

Ask your neighbors, relatives and friends where their legal part-time maid is from. You may want to look for the same part-time maid company. You can even be assured that besides they are part-time legal maids, they are good candidates as their credentials were already assessed. This is another source for you to engage a legal helper. 

4. Use a Team of Cleaners in One Go

There is a kind of service where you can employ a team of cleaners to clean at one go. As this team was formed by the agency, they have already been trained  and screened. It will be a faster service as more people can clean your house in one go. 

5. Other Alternatives

a) If you are afraid of hiring illegal part-time maids, get their details screen by Ministry of Manpower or Immigration Department.

b) Try to find innovative ways to lighten your housework. Eg send your dirtied clothing to laundry. 

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