6 Things You Should Know How Clean In Your Home

6 Things You Should Know How Clean In Your Home – Did you know that home appliance, like your dishwasher, washing machine, oven, and microwave are dirtier than most toilets?

If it’s too hard to imagine just how dirty home appliances can be, then let us tell you this: they’re also home to more bacteria than the average home toilet. Yep! Appliances for your home come in pretty disgusting when they’re not cleaned regularly.

Some of the worst offenders include the kitchen sink drain area (because it collects hair and grease), toothbrushes (the moist environment is perfect for germs), and reusable shopping bags (they collect dust).

The good news is that you don’t need to spend hours trying to clean your home or hire an expensive professional cleaner. You can do all these easy home cleaning tasks in just a few minutes. The following home cleaning guide offers 6 things you should know how to clean in your home:

1. How to clean dishwasher

The dishwasher, unlike your kitchen sinks, is less likely to be home to harmful germs. But that’s doesn’t mean it’s not home to bacteria.

Many people neglect their dishwasher and try to clean it with a damp cloth or even no cleaning agent at all. They presume this appliance has some magical self-cleaning powers, but the truth is…it gets dirty just like everything else!

So, how do you clean your dishwasher without damaging it? Well, there are a number of ways:

Empty your dishwasher and then pre-rinse the interior bowl with a vinegar solution (1 cup white distilled vinegar per 1 gallon of water).

Next, fill a bucket with equal parts water and bleach – pour the mixture into the dishwasher and wait for one hour. After that, thoroughly rinse out the dishwasher with water.

Another home cleaning method is to use baking soda and heat. This home cleaning trick requires you to mix together 1 cup of baking soda with 1/2 cup of citric acid (you can buy it at most grocery stores) – pour the mixture into your dishwasher, run it on a normal cycle, and voila! Clean dishes.

Our final home cleaning tip is this: if your dishwasher’s interior has become stained over time, just dissolve some salt in white vinegar or lemon juice – spray this solution onto the stains inside your dishwasher then wipe them off with a damp cloth. Rinse everything out with water after that step.

2. How to clean an oven

6 Things You Should Know How Clean In Your Home

Typically home cleaners don’t think of the oven as a home appliance that needs regular cleaning. They assume it’s already pretty clean and they shouldn’t really need to do anything with it aside from wiping it down once in a while. Well, we’re here to tell you this is not true, your oven gets dirty!

So, how do you clean your oven?

First of all, you should buy a home cleaner that’s been specifically designed for cleaning ovens. These home cleaners are less harsh on the appliances because they’re made with safe chemicals – and these home cleaning products can typically remove any grease or carbon deposits from the appliance.

Secondly, make sure you remove all the racks from your oven before beginning to clean it. Also, empty out anything inside the bottom drawer – scrub this area down using a home cleaner mixed with water (the water will help lubricate any filthy areas).

After giving your home oven an initial clean, spray some home cleaner onto its interior walls and wipe everything down thoroughly with a cloth or sponge. You can also use old toothbrushes to get into the difficult nooks and crannies.

3. How to clean washing machine

If home cleaners were asked, “What’s the dirtiest home appliance you’ve ever seen?”, they’d likely say something along the lines of “the home laundry appliances are pretty disgusting.”

The average home laundry machines contain a lot more bacteria than most home bathroom surfaces – this is due to all of the dirty clothes that it processes over time.

Even worse, many people neglect their home washing machines and don’t bother cleaning them for months at a time. This means that it only gets dirtier and dirtier!

So how do you clean your home laundry machine? Well, here are three effective home cleaning methods:

  • The home cleaning method that requires baking soda and salt is quite popular. Just mix together 2 cups of baking soda with 1 cup of table salt – pour the mixture into your home washing machine, set it to a hot water cycle, and voila! Clean home laundry appliances that look as good as new.
  • Another home cleaning agent to use inside your home laundry machine is lemon juice – you can either use fresh lemon juice or bottled lemon juice. Mix 3 tablespoons of the lemony liquid with one gallon of warm water, then soak a sponge in this solution and scrub away at all those dirt stains on home appliances.

    You might have to repeat these steps two or three times depending on how dirty your home laundry appliances are – but the end result will be worth it.
  • Finally, home cleaners can use home cleaning vinegar to clean home laundry appliances – home vinegar is quite effective at removing germs and bacteria from home surfaces.

    Mix one cup of home vinegar with one gallon of warm water then soak a sponge in this solution and start scrubbing your home laundry appliances like crazy! Rinse everything out with water once you’re finished.

4. How to clean mattress

6 Things You Should Know How Clean In Your Home

Just like home laundry machines, mattresses also contain lots of dirt and germs due to their constant contact with people’s skin (and other kinds of dirty things).

Ironically, many home cleaners tend to forget about the bed when it comes time to give every other room in their home a thorough spring cleaning – but this home cleaning oversight can kill you.

Why? Because home mattresses are home to more germs than home toilets, believe it or not!

So, how do home cleaners clean their home mattress? There are various ways to clean a mattress, and home cleaners typically choose whichever method they prefer. Here are three home mattress cleaning methods that home cleaners tend to like:

Some home cleaners like to sprinkle baking soda over their home mattress before giving it a good vacuum (preferably with a home vacuum cleaner).

Baking soda is quite effective at absorbing any moisture and unpleasant smells in the home, which means it’ll also absorb dirt, stains, and bacteria – who knew home mattresses were such a pain to clean?

Once your home mattress has been given an initial clean with baking soda, you might want to switch from using baking powder to using other home cleaning agents.

For instance, one popular choice of home cleaner is hydrogen peroxide. Mix together parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide in a home spray bottle, then use this home cleaning agent to wipe away any stains or dirt on home mattresses.

Finally, home cleaners have the option of using home vacuum cleaner dust bags to clean home mattresses – just remove your home mattress from its bedframe and zip up all home mattress dust into the home vacuum cleaner bag. Then dispose of the bag as you would normally dispose of other types of home garbage!

5. How to clean the microwave

An average home microwave oven is hardly ever cleaned for months at a time – if it’s ever even cleaned at all! When was the last time you scrubbed down your home appliances?

Well, according to research carried out by scientists at NSF International, an average British home microwave contains close to 2 billion germs per square inch!

So, home cleaners should definitely clean their home microwave oven more often than they do. Thankfully, home cleaners can easily clean home microwaves using home cleaning methods that are effective (and cost-effective) – here are three of them:

  • Home cleaners who own home dishwashers can simply pour in one cup of home vinegar into their home dishwasher and let it run its course. Vinegar is an effective home disinfectant, which makes it ideal for killing off any germs or bacteria lurking inside your home microwave oven.
  • The next option available to home cleaners looking to give their home microwaves a good spring cleaning is lemon juice – but this time around, you’ll need fresh lemons rather than bottled lemon juice. This entails peeling away the skin from several home lemons and squeezing the home lemon juice directly into a home mug filled with home water.

Then, place the home mug inside your home microwave oven and heat it up for one minute or so – just enough to let home microwaves soak through all of the remaining pulp. Next, remove the home cup from your home microwave, wipe down any stains with a clean cloth, and finally rinse away the home lemon juice residue using warm water.

  • Finally, another effective method of cleaning a home microwave is by scrubbing its interior chamber with white vinegar – an inexpensive kitchen cleaning solution that kills off germs effectively.

    White vinegar can be quite tough on hard surfaces, though (including hard metal surfaces), which means you should use a sponge or home dish brush to clean home microwaves.

Lemon juice can be quite tough on home surfaces (including home countertops), which is why home cleaners should use a sponge or home dish brush to wipe away any stains that home lemons might have left behind.

6. How to clean quartz countertop

Your quartz countertop should be cleaned at least once every week, just like other home surfaces or home appliances. Quartz countertops are made from natural materials (including stones), after all – and home cleaners should take extra precautions to make sure these home surfaces stay clean and free of germs.

So, how do you clean the quartz countertop? It’s actually much easier than home cleaners might realize. All home cleaners need to do is wipe away any stains (using home dish soap) with a soft cloth or sponge – and then rinse home quartz countertops with home water.

Home cleaners should never use home bleach on home stone surfaces, as this can cause damage after time – not to mention potentially turn home countertops yellow over time! Instead, home cleaners can use baking soda (and club soda) to remove tough stains from their home quartz countertop without causing too much harm.

6 Things You Should Know How Clean In Your Home – Conclusion

6 Things You Should Know How Clean In Your Home

In conclusion, home cleaners can easily clean home appliances and home surfaces in an inexpensive and safe manner.

Some home appliances have tough to reach ridges or vents that home cleaners can’t remove without causing damage – which is why home cleaners should do a little research about the best methods of cleaning their particular home appliance or home surface.

We hope you enjoyed and learned something from this article – 6 Things You Should Know How To Clean In Your Home. If you need any house cleaning, office cleaning, or simply carpet cleaning services, feel free to call us!

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